my son wants to wear a dress? my child tells me they are a different gender? my teenager asks about hormone blockers? teachers tell me other families won't approve?

What should I do when…

Identity formation is a tricky matter for all children. But for kids whose gender identity or expression differs from social norms, the matter can become all the more confusing and complicated…

both for kids and their parents!

Parents of gender-creative kids often feel disoriented:

  • "How should I follow my child's lead? And when should I provide guidance?"

  • "How can I show up for my gender-creative child in meaningful and practical ways?"

  • "How can I communicate and advocate for my child’s needs with family, in classrooms, and with other important communities?"

  • "How should I handle all these delicate matters while doing the already challenging business of raising a young person?"

CoCreative Coaching is a resource for parents committed to showing up for their trans, non-binary, or otherwise LGBTQ+ kids in the very best way possible.

Whether your child is in preschool and already advocating for the gender they know themselves to be or approaching college and considering social, legal, or medical gender-affirming transitions, CoCreative Coaching can help you center your child’s needs, sort through confusing and sometimes conflicting recommendations, and identify practical strategies that will keep your child safe, healthy, and well-supported on their journey.

  • Zero-in on what your child is telling you about their identity.

  • Communicate about your child’s identity with confidence and clarity.

  • Identify strategies to advocate for your child at school.

  • Consider how your child’s identity might impact their experiences in everyday interactions and activities.

  • Sort through your own questions, confusion, hesitancy, and fear so you can show up ready to fully embrace your child.

  • Gather tools and resources useful to your unique situation.